Samaria Williams

The Center for Wholeness: Where Trauma Informed + Self Leadership integrate.


Hi! I’m Samaria. I’m so glad you’re here. It is my philosophy that Trauma Informed Leadership Heart Centered Leadership is and it is how we show up for ourselves, our families, communities, humanity with intention and awareness. As we move through a collective awakening, our past and present trauma is woven into the fabric of who we are as people and demanding to be unraveled and released. We are being called to heal, grow, and move forward.

I offer ideas, programs, emotional strategy, coaching, mentorship, and leadership training on how to heal, thrive, grow, expand, and raise our consciousness around trauma informed leadership (for one’s self, those you serve & lead, and for your organization). 

I cultivate spaces for conversations to happen around individual / collective healing, growth and evolution over a lifetime and what it is to truly lead oneself well and inspire others to do the same socially, in life, love, and business, through love and trauma informed leadership.


Founder & CEO

The Center for Wholeness 


Ways to Work with Me

SELF Leadership Society

Learn essential practices to create a safe and supportive environment. Equip yourself with powerful tools and frameworks for managing trauma.

One-on-One Coaching

Coaching and mentorship that helps you gain valuable self-insight and set goals that ignite your potential. Together, we’ll navigate challenges, unlock your strengths, and empower you to create a life and career you love!

Courses / Masterminds/ Leadership Training

Self-study programs, guided experiences, memberships and specialized Leadership Trainings to support your evolution.

Trauma informed practitioner training

Embodied Practice
View Course

And She Spoke Up

A community for women committed to healing, wholeness, growth, evolution, transformation through self leadership, trauma informed practice and spiritual awakening. 

Courses & Masterminds

Signature Program & Leadership Training


Group Programs

How They Work







Sacred Soul Practice Events…

Divinely Empowered Retreat

Join Samaria Williams and Rev. Maalika Shay Davis for a soul-nourishing retreat in Sarasota, FL where you will be supported and guided through experiential processes to support your soul’s growth.

Fall 2024 – Details TBA Soon